Man what a crazy nice day outside! I would of worn shorts and a T on a day like this! well maybe not but it was pretty warm! I think people act different when spring starts to come...The laundrette was packed today??? I guess people want to get things done and take advantage of the nice weather. I have to admit I was in an outgoing mood today. I did my laundry, went grocery shopping, cleaned my house, sent out several emails, continued searching for places to live via internet and I dunno I feel so fresh and so clean!!
So let's start ranting!!
I know! How about the crazy amount of shit holes I've been seeing while looking for a place to live...I mean people will rent anything that has a few walls.
I believe that is probably the best and worst place to look for shared renting. On one hand its free which really helps because people save money and you get to see a great amount of places availible. Plus its updated every 15 minutes so you know how old an ad is unlike some renting websites.
The bad thing about it is you have no real idea if the place meets any type of standard in regards to safety/ living. Ya I guess you could say some ads have pictures posted but seriously its not hard to make something shit, look good.
A good example of this was this place I went to see this past weekend. The ad made it sound really good as it was a room for rent in a brand new town house. The pictures made the place out to be very modern and updated looking and it came with plenty of new appliances! So I went to the viewing time and by the way I really think that having a viewing time is dumb. I know, I know, it saves time but come on think of the people that are going to see the place. If its a great place there are going to be a few people waiting around and how wierd feeling is that. Like I'd have to stand beside someone that wants the place just as badly as I do. Deep down I would be thinking you cunt, your ugly and you dont need this place as bad as I do. Anyway. To sum this story up not only was the room for rent small but it wasnt even a fucking room. It was like a quater of a living room with no door, right infront of the bathroom? Oh it had a free standing divider to give you some privacy but you could still see directly into the room from the bathroom. Whats get me is how the lady made it sound so great and actually said "I'm only going to rent if for 500 because there's no door" What a greedy mother fucker, I can't believe she think its worth that. I just said thanks but its not what I'm looking for.....some people.
I think if you going to be renting a room out you should follow a few rules!
1) Clean the fucking place! I mean some of the places I saw with dirty dishes piling up and gross bathrooms were serious can you be?
2) Be polite! I mean your trying to sell a room to someone!! One person I talked to were like "so you gonna take it or what cuz I'm pretty busy and need to get this shit over with" Ya thanks buddy??? I'll you when I turn crazy.
3) Be Honest! There's nothing worse then someone that lies through thier teeth. Dont talk about how great a place is when you yourself wouldn't want your own mother to live there!
4) The Cost of Rent-I know living in Toronto is expensive but think about how much your asking for? Word to the wise, always ask if the rent is negotiable! Plenty of times roommates will up the price of the room being rented so they can pay less...I mean if you can get away with it why not. There are so many over priced, shity places out there and sometimes I wonder if people really think they will really find someone dumb enough to say yes....but I guess they must.
Anyway, I'm waiting to hear back from the sweetest place across the street from High Park.
Its absoluty the greatest place for me. Rent is cheap, come with my own bathroom, I have the largest room, dish washer, internet, cable, its fairly new, and I dunno its just a pretty fucking sweet pad! So fingers crossed that I get this place because I'm starting to get a little stressed with all the crapy places I've seen lately!