So I did it! I "landed" the High Park place I was wanting to rent!!! YA ME!
I was so stressy this past weekend because for me it was like a make or break weekend. Either I got the place I wanted (High Park) or I got my back up plan (Dundas and Bathurst). My back up plan would of been ok but the area sucked, plus when you compare it to having the master bedroom and own bathroom like my first choice does its hard not to feel down about moving to plan "B".
I was told I would find out sometime on the weekend as to the decision to whether or not I got the place at High Park. So saturday rolls around no call....Sunday rolls around and by 12 still no call. By this time I'm pretty moody because all I can think of is this place and how much better this place will make my life and by 2 pm I still hadn't gotten a call so I was starting to get the feeling I didn't get it.
You know how some people are like "OH, dont worry I'll you and let you know what my decision is" but they never call, giving you the sign that you didn't get it. Well I was getting that feeling but decided to say fuck it, I'll call them. It's funny how nervous I was, I was taking deep breaths and planning what I would say when Holly picked up the phone. This was one of those phone calls where you kinda hope no one answers so that the asnwer machine picks up. Well no one answered and I did get to leave a message.
Anyway, I finally got a call back around 5pm (So you can imagine by 5 pm on a sunday and you still haven't got a call, I was pretty stressed. Where am I gonna live? I dont wanna live at plan B, Should I live with friends for a month, what do I do with my stuff?) Holly started talking to me and asking how my St. Patricks day went and it was then that I knew I got the place because you dont make conversation with someone when you about to drop them bad news...or do you? I wouldn't.
So I can picture it now! Pinics at the park, long bike rides, playing soccer and tennis, swimming in the pool, going to nice resturants on Bloor West, walking to work, and just generally having more fun.
The best part about this place is the rent. Its only 470! I was shocked! I thought they were joking. I get my own ensuite bathroom, the largest room out of the 3, cable in my room, and just some other nice things like dishwasher, roommates my age (girls), storage space, a large closet, and well finally a place I can have people over to solcailize with! Which reminds me, I think I will be having a house warming party not this weekend but next!
Well I new chapter in my life begins! I hope that this one will be a good one!