What a nice day! The sun is out and everyones seems happy to be outside!
Things have really been turning for me since moving to the High Park area! I also feel more alive and optimistic about things ahead!
I've been talking to one of the yoga instructors I train and she was talking to me about thinking positively and having a happy lookout towards life in general. By doing this she also said that good things will happen to you but if your negitive about things and also look to the down side first then bad luck will follow. Now I guess this depends on what you believe really. Do you believe in fate? Is everything already planned for us? or is it just dumb luck? whos knows...I believe that everything happends for a reason! There must be a reason why I know the people I do? There must be a reason why I got this place I live in because its just to good to be true. I mean its nothing specail or anything but compared to my other place it's great!
I cant stress this enough but I'm so happy to be living in High Park! I went for a walk today through the park. The air feels so clean and deeper you got into the park the more it feels like I dont live in a city which sometimes is a good feeling. I'm looking forward to riding my bike through the trails!
My roommates are great! Holly and Lauren! We all watched TV together lasted night and had a good laugh which was refreshing because thats something I never did at my old place with my old roommates! I didn't even care to tell them I was moving out this past Sat.
Well I've promised myself that I would starting writing my blog atleast 2-3 times a week. I enjoy it and even if no one reads it lol I dont care, it's a nice hobby and I like taking pictures.
Here are some I took at High Park.....
Where I live.
Just hanging out by the Park.
Bloor St. West....I barely know you.