So everything is booked! The flight, camp site, hostel, and rental car...all thats left is to make an antennary as to what my friend Brandon and I will do while we are in L.A.
I can't wait for this trip! I mean I went to Germany on my own during last summer (well I went with a friend from England) anyway that trip was great but other then the flights there and back we didn't plan a fuckin thing! No hotels, no destinations, nothing! We basically just followed England which was fun in the end but when you first arrive in a country that first doesn't use english as thier primary language and second you dont have a clue where you are (oh and it was pooring rain our first day) then things can get alittle stressful. I will however really recommend a trip like that! As much as it was unorganized, it was still really exciting having to find places to sleep, eat and even figuring out the transit system just because you never really knew what was going to happen next. You meet people, find out information and eventually everything works out! ...well you hope.
So what to do in L.A.....I guess you have to see the Hollywood sign and the Walk of Fame. As much as it sounds corny I am still looking forward to being a tourist. I also plan on getting Jay Leno tickets which are free, going to Venice and Laguna beach! not to mention checking out Santa Monica! I dunno I really want to make each day worth while as we are only there for 6 days! So I guess an Antennary is in order!
So why am I going to California! Well Brandon and I are going to probably the biggest 3 day music festival in the world We could only get tickets for Saterday meaning we get to see The Red Hot Chili Peppers! and Testito! So hopfully when Testito comes on I'll be high on drugs. That sounds sad but I think it would make for a great experince during all that crazy dance music!
Its funny but since I booked the tickets to Cali...I find I am picking out songs on the radio that have or are about California! It must be a great place! Long Beach WOOT my sad atempt to use a Dr. Dre song as an example!
So I can see it now, all pimped put in my sexy accent (car) driving down the pacific coast, on my way to Mexico! which is also what I plan to do. I can't believe I've never been! but it should be a blast even if we can only go for a day!
I guess I should tell my mum soon....I'm kinda iffy to tell her because I'm always going on about how poor I am yet me and Brandon will have spent over 1000$ on this trip....Oh and we fly back on my birthday! May 1st! so I'm not sure how I'm gonna explain that...I guess I'll just tell my mum tomorrow.
Other then that I'm now the proud owner of a Master Card! with a 3500$ limit.......I'm not sure how I feel about this but in regards to my trip I'm glade I have it just incase I get in a tight spot. The one thing I've realized about credit cards and call me stupid but I've become so dependent on my Visa that I think that money is actually mine. Well I mean if I paid off my Visa and Visa called me to say that they are ending my lets say "membership" then what could I do? I mean its thier money that I have borrowed! I know this might sound silly to all your credit card pros but I've only had my Visa for less then a year so this money thing is still new to me HAHA.
Well finally I feel very professional because I soon will be receiving my very first piece of art work! One of my clients (Shannon) said I could have it because I was bugging him months ago for it! I think its cool and for me the painting represent a dark sad person or feeling but underneath all this pain and suffering is a heart that is egar to shin through. Shannon if your reading this don't laugh. Anyway here it is, its the one on the left and I stole this picture for Shannons Blog which is