So plans fell through tonight.....I hate when that happens...I hate that I haven't been keeping up with my blog. Well I'm writing now when I should probably be writing routines for my client’s tomorrow morning but never mind.
Well what do I write about? I'm listening to city & colour so let’s write about music.
Funny how music plays such a huge part of people and their everyday life. I think one of the hardest questions you can ask someone is "So, what kind of music do you listen to?" I think a better question is "So, What’s kind of music don't you like?" I really believe that if you love "music" then you can listen to anything and enjoy it on a certain level. I myself listen to everything from The Beatles to Afroman, Frank Sinatra to Testito. I don't think you should be ashamed of liking music that isn't necessarily popular or enjoyed by most people. I'm pretty that how trends start.
Music seems to change people. Their attitude, the way they dress, their beliefs, they way they choose to live their life. Music is the ultimate media advertisement really, if you consider that most commercial come with a song, TV shows have a song (the OC song to name one), the radio, and clothing are aimed to provoke people to buy.
Music reminds of us the past, whether it was a song you listened to with your buddies from High School, an old girlfriend, a wedding, just a small moment in time when you happen to be listen to a song off your ipod, music is able to take you back to a point in time and your able to relive that experience again.
Music can give you strength and hope that something better will come around, or it will depress you and make you wish you weren’t alive anymore. It will get you motivated for something important, it will give you the courage to stand up to something and say FUCK OF! It can help us through the tough times or prolong the good ones. Music is a voice for all those can't express themselves through regular conversation or actions. To me it one of the only pure forms or individuality and freedom of expression.
If you have ever watched the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" Andy (played by Tim Robbins) gets locked in the "hole" for a week. The hole being this little cellar with no light and no time to go outside for a walk. When Andy is free he says it was the easiest time he has ever done because he had Mozart to listen to. At first his cell mates thought the warden let Andy take a record player with him but Andy replies that the music was in his head. Andy goes on to say that beauty of music is that no matter what they (they being the guards) take from him, his life, his belongings, that they could never take the music away from him because it was inside his head.