Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy 85th Grandad!

The picture above is of my granddad in WW2! He is in the front row in the very middle! Its funny cuz he had so much hair back then. I miss my granddad a lot! I really wish he were still here. Now that I’m mature enough I would love to ask him questions and get his advice about life. I really hope that when I'm and old man that I'm just like him. Happy Birthday Granddad!!!

The other night I had a dream about my mum dieing! It was such a real feeling dream to! Like, I was crying when I woke up! I can remember the feeling I had when I was crying in my dream, it was horrible and it actually felt real like my mum had actually died and I couldn’t tell myself that it was only a dream.

Dreams are weird things....what do they represent? They must have some sort of meaning! I'm not saying that just because my mum died in my dream that she will in real life at least I hope not! Now I haven’t done much research on dreaming but apparently we all have them even if we remember them or not.

I personally think dreams are pretty fucking crazy! I mean anything is possible and even if they don’t make any sense when you remember them for some reason when your dreaming everything makes perfect sense! I use you have dream when I was like 9 or 10 that I could fly! Like just jump up in the air and fly away! Man I wish I could have one of those dreams now. What about people that sleep walk? I mean that fucking crazy! The fact that when you wake up you don’t remember anything? I've only ever slept walked once in my life. I woke up and went into my mum’s room and told her I was going to turn off the light that doesn’t turn off. Anyway my mum told me later that the house got really cold and that when I was sleep walking I went into the basement and turned off the furriness? Oh and what about people who have night terrors!!! That’s scary if you ask me! To be asleep and screaming at the top of your lungs like you were scared for your life! What even more scary is having to be there trying to wake this person up! Which I heard that if someone is sleep walking or having night terrors your not suppose to wake them and to let them come out of it on there own!? Remember that movie the butterfly effect? I think I might go watch that again and if you've never seen it, watch it!

Anyway one last thing I want to bring up which is along the same line of dreams is this drug DMT (Dimethyltryptamine). DMT is a powerful psychoactive substance. If DMT is smoked, injected, or orally ingested with an MAOI, it can produce powerful entheogenic experiences including true hallucinations (perceived extensions of reality). (I cut and pasted that) Anyway I was talking to a client that has taken this drug before and he told me that you are basically put into another universe or dimension! Anyway this is really hard for me to explain so I found a really interesting youtube clip from Joe Rogan who does a really interesting explanation about the drug and how it works! If you got 5 mins listen to it and trust me you won’t be disappointed!