Thursday, February 22, 2007

Judge Judy....Aka Big Fuckin Bitch

One thing I absolutely hate watching on TV is court room drama shows. When I watch them I can’t believe people would actually degrade themselves by being on it. I understand that it's TV and there would need to be some drama on the show or else no one would watch but fuck it’s so unprofessional. The Judge isn’t a Judge they're a fucking bully. They make fun of people and put them down and sure some people deserve it but that shouldn’t matter.

Some of the hillbillies on these shows make me wonder if thy get paid to make up a story and appear on the show like on Jerry Springer??!?!? at least on Jerry you got to see some fake titties, the only thing you see in Judge Judy is her ugly old bitch face.

All the shows are the same...I mean how could they be different? The Scene: The Judge- Someone that doesn’t listen, good at making people feel shitty and almost impossible to talk to if they aren’t on your side. (Oh and if it’s a man vs. a women and your on Judge Judy your fucked. The women will always win no matter what drug habit or poor life style they have.) The Defendant- Someone that dresses like a cheese ball and is being sued for the dumbest thing and is so stubborn that they really believe they have a case. The plaintiff- A complete fucking idiot. They cant stop putting their hand up for the judges attention (this is usually followed by a bitchy comment from the judge like "put your hand down I don’t want to hear what you have to say" or if they don’t put their hand up and say something out of turn its "YOU ONLY SPEAK WHEN YOU ARE SPOKEN TO!" either way you cant win") and finally they act innocent which kind of pisses me off.

Anyway I've finally figure out that if I could fight any celeb right now like seriously beat the living shit out of them it would be Judge Judy! She is such a bitch! Seriously! If you can watch Judge Judy and not think she's the biggest asshole you’ve ever met then you don’t have a soul.

If I were ever on the show I would talk back to the bitch! I wouldn’t let her talk to me like I was nothing, fuck her! She doesn’t know me! And if she told me to zip it I'd go crazy. I’d climb over my desk, drop kick the guard, grab her fake old hair and slam her face into her desk and throw hay makers like there were no tomorrow.

Anyway here are two clips from youtube I found! The first one is my fav and personally this guy is my hero! I would do the same thing! The second is a Judge Judy one. Now I totally agree on this case the defendant is a totally fucking moron! But.......well just watch.