Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Wanted: Digital Camera!

I've decided that if you do write a blog and you write regularly then a digital camera is a must! I mean it make makes reading about my boring life slightly less....boring. I would love to have posted some pictures of when I went to Ministry of Sound or last night when I went to see an International Football (soccer) game between Brazil and Portugal. I took some photos with a disposable camera so I'll have to post those soon when I get them scanned but for now I'll have to settle with pictures off the internet!

Anyway, watching Brazil play Portugal play last night was amazing! It’s everything you think about when you think of Brazilian "FUTBOL". Shots from far out, plenty of skill/ tricks on the ball, clever passing from one player to another...OH and of course the fans are brilliant all 60,00 of them (well I'm sure some were Portugal fans)! The drums they bang on never stop, full of chanting, happiness and harsh words when one of their players get fouled! There were also some great players playing for Brazil (Adriano, Kaka, Gilberto, and Fred to name a few) but unfortunately I didn’t get to see Ronadihno play, I don’t think he even got called up to play seeing how it was only a friendly game! OH and for any Portuguese fans I got to see Cristiano Ronaldo play! He’s a wonderful player to watch, with his quick feet and speed he can get by any player but he's also young, cocky, and a big fuckin cheat. I hate him with a passion but you can’t deny he's a special player.

The funny thing is Portugal won 2-0! ???? Go figure??! Oh well I didn’t get to see Brazil score even though they had plenty of chances! But how many people can say they have seen Brazil play live?? My Dad can’t even say this and he has loved and lived Football for a very long time.

One of my goals this year was to do and see things that not everyone gets to do! Even though I'm spending a lot of money of certain trips months down the road I wont be thinking about the money I spent I'll be thinking about the memories. So far this year I’ve been to Vermont, England, NYC Maybe, and I also plan to go to California in April to see a a very big 3 day concert but that’s yet to be planned.